Why the rollercoaster market?

Why is every day like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride?  Might be the Night of the Long Knives…

Yes, it seems that Mr. Toad grabbed the controls on October 1, taking the market on a wild ride.  Take a look at the S&P 500 performance over the last six months and you will see plenty of peaks and valleys.

I read an article recently that blamed the volatility on weak corporate earnings.  I had to investigate.  I have to admit I did not know the relative strength of corporate earnings right now but that explanation just did not ring true to me.  It turns out, nothing could be farther from the truth.  Corporate earnings are literally the strongest they have ever been!  EVER!

So what in the world is going on? Why is the market so volatile?

Download the full post below - and let me know what you think!